| 1. | Deposit currency : usd 存款货币:美元 |
| 2. | The deposit currency will appreciate or depreciate against the linked currency 由于您所选的存款货币兑挂?货币的汇率可升可跌。 |
| 3. | At the beginning of the deposit period , you select a deposit currency and a counter currency linked currency , as well as the deposit tenor 在存款期开始时,您需要先选择存款货币和挂?货币组合,与及存款期。 |
| 4. | Upon maturity , you will receive your principal in the deposit currency or the linked currency , whichever have depreciated against each other 于存款到期时,您将获取以组合中较疲弱的货币拆算本金及存款货币的利息回报。 |
| 5. | Convertible deposit is suitable for you if you : have a need for both currencies or do not mind receiving the deposit either at the deposit currency or at the alternate currency 当您对所选的两种货币皆有需要,而您亦不介意在存款到期时取回存款货币或挂?货币 |
| 6. | Interest will be paid at the deposit currency . american express bank will compare the strike price with the prevailing exchange rate two days before the deposit maturity to determine in which currency your principal will be paid 届时美国运通银行将参考有关的挂?汇率,相对存款到期两天前之市场汇率,以决定本金以存款货币或以挂?货币支付。 |